Delete Emails
In Just Minutes
Emails In
Just Minutes
Delete Emails
In Just Minutes
Bulk delete unwanted and spam emails
easily with one click. No Mess, No Stress.
Bulk delete unwanted and spam emails
easily with one click. No Mess, No Stress.
Bulk delete unwanted and spam emails
easily with one click. No Mess, No Stress.
Our beta users have voted
Happy Inbox as the best, easy
and safe email cleaning app.
Look at the stats before believing.
Our beta users have voted Happy Inbox as the best, easy and safe email cleaning app.Look at the stats before believing.
Our beta users have voted
Happy Inbox as the best, easy
and safe email cleaning app.
Look at the stats before believing.
Emails were
Emails were
Space freed in
Space freed in
just 5mins
just 5mins
Emails were
Space freed in
just 5mins
Our Features
Our Features
Our Features
Sender Based Email Grouping
Understand Your Inbox : Emails Grouped by Senders,
Just like WhatsApp
Understand Your Inbox : Emails Grouped by
Senders, Just like WhatsApp
Inbox Smart Sort
Emails arranged from highest to least in,
user-friendly buckets for a crystal clear
view of your inbox
Emails arranged from highest
to least in, user-friendly
buckets for a crystal clear
view of your inbox
Sender Based
Email Grouping
Understand Your Inbox : Emails
Grouped by Senders, Just
like WhatsApp
Inbox Smart Sort
Emails arranged from highest
to least in, user-friendly buckets
for a crystal clear view
of your inbox
Advanced Filters
Delete emails easily of last
year, this year or any custom
date range.
Easily Delete Emails with
One Click. It's Super Simple.
Easily Delete Emails
with One Click. It's
Super Simple.
Advanced Filters
Delete emails easily of last
year, this year or any custom
date range.
Easily Delete
Emails with One
Click. It's Super
We've got top-notch security measures in place and we're proud
to say our security systems are audited and verified by
We have got top-notch security measures in place and we are
proud to say our security
systems are audited and
verified by
We've got top-notch security measures in place and we're proud
to say our security systems are audited and verified by
Our Beta Users Absolutely Loved Us
Our Beta Users
Absolutely Loved Us
Our Beta Users Absolutely Loved Us
Hey folks, How's it going so far with the app?
Hey folks, How are you all liking the
app so far
“This app has been a lifesaver! The grouping feature made it a breeze to clean up my inbox. One click, and boom – the clutter is gone.”
- Seema, From India
"This app has been a lifesaver! The
grouping feature made it a breeze to
clean up my inbox. One-click, and
boom - the clutter is gone."
- Seema, From India
“I couldn't believe how quickly I gained more storage space on my Gmail. It's like magic! This app is a game-changer.”
- Dan Mathew, From USA
"I couldn't believe how quickly gained
more storage space on my Gmail. It's
like magic! This app is a game changer.”
- Dan Mathew, From USA
“It's like having a detective in my inbox! Now I know who's been spamming me. This app is pure genius.”
- Md. Salman, From Dubai
“It's like having a detective in my
inbox! Now I know who's been
spamming me. This app is
pure genius.”
- Md. Salman, From Dubai
“The security of my data is a top concern, and this app puts my mind at ease.”
- Marc, From Australia
“The security of my data is a top
concern, and this app puts my
mind at ease. ”
- Marc, From Australia
🎉 Free for first 1000 users
🎉 Free for
first 1000 users
Our free plan gives 3000 email deletes and our Pro Plan
gives unlimited deletes for $1/year. Pocket Friendly Plans
Our free plan gives 3000 email deletes
and our Pro Plan gives unlimited deletes
for $1/year. Pocket Friendly Plans
Ready to bulk delete or
clean up your inbox
Ready to bulk delete or
clean up your inbox
Ready to bulk delete or
clean up your inbox
Achieve zero inbox in just minutes
Achieve zero inbox in just minutes
How secure is my data?
How are the emails grouped?
What's your pricing?
Can I recover my deleted emails?
Can I delete my account?
How secure is my data?
How are the emails grouped?
What's your pricing?
Can I recover my deleted emails?
Can I delete my account?
© 2024 – Happy Inbox Pvt Ltd
© 2024 – Happy Inbox Pvt Ltd
© 2024 – Happy Inbox Pvt Ltd